"Hi, I need the book for H456."
When you look in the course reserves on the west wall, not only is the book not there, but there isn't even a section on the shelf for H456. Now what do you do? Your best move is to look in the Big Red Reserves Binder on the service desk. Pretty much everything you ever want to know about reserves is in this book. The pages are filed in course number order. When you look up H456, you see this call number: RA413 .E87 2013. This is a Library of Congress call number, which means this book belongs to either BUSP or another library on campus; it is not a professor's personal copy. Books belonging to the Libraries are kept in call number order on the shelves next to the wall opposite the course reserves.
What else can you find on reserve on the shelves opposite the course reserves? After the library books, you'll find materials belonging to the Center for International Business Education & Research (CIBER). To the right of those materials, you'll find BUSP's media collection (DVD's, CD's, and yes, some old VHS tapes). Like the books belonging to the Libraries, the media collection is also filed in Library of Congress call number order. At the end of this section of shelves in the area that is nearest the service desk, you'll find our hold shelves. Located under the books on hold, you'll find materials for our language labs (Rosetta Stone) and the new Mac adapters.
Got a free minute at the desk? Explore reserves. It's good to know what's in your immediate environment.
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