Monday, February 25, 2013

Reference Portal...More Than Just Statistics

We all know the importance of the Reference Portal...keeping track of the number of questions and the kinds of questions we answer.  We all know the Library Powers-That-Be use these statistics as a tool in determining how much money to give BUSP to hire and pay people like you.

But there's more to the Reference Portal than that.  We also use it as a staff communication tool.  Most of the postings there refer to reference questions that students ask, and you can ignore them.  But sometimes postings have to do with broken equipment, lost items, etc., and may help you assist guests that come to the desk.  Take a glance at it when you clock in by clicking on "desklog" in the banner running along the top of the site.  Then switch back to "questions" so you're ready to record the questions our inquiring guests ask.  Thanks!

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