Monday, August 12, 2024

Some Important Things to Know


Schedule Changes -- Has your class schedule changed (added/dropped a class) and you need to adjust your work schedule for the remainder of the semester? For those issues/questions, please see Matt or send him an email.

Timesheet Issues -- If you forget to clock in/out, do a missed punch or need to have your timesheet fixed in some way, please see Jeri or send her an email. 

Running Late to Work -- If you are running late to arrive at work, please call the library at 812-855-1957 to let the supervisors know. Please do not text any individual supervisor.

Unable to work a shift & need of someone to cover a shift for you -- We use a email listserv for posting of sub notices, so that all staff, including supervisors, will see it and know about potential holes in the schedule. You will be added to the list, by a supervisor and receive an email. The list address is  Please don't use any list address with the word "request" in it.        

When requesting a sub, please include in the email the date & time of the shift you need covered.

If you are able & willing to pick up a shift for a co-worker, simply reply to their email indicating you can work for them. If you discover later on that you are unable to work, you will need to put up sub request. 

Staff Directory - We put together a staff directory containing library staff's phone numbers & email addresses. This is an internal document for staff use only. We do suggest that you put the library's phone number along with the full-time staff phone numbers in your contacts, so if you miss a shift and we give you call or text, you'll know it's us and not spam. 

Birthdays - Who doesn't love celebrating another trip around the sun? We here at Business/SPEA celebrate birthdays on the first Wednesday of each month with treats and a sign listing who has/had a birthday that month. Be on the lookout for someone asking about your birthday for the official list. 

Questions about the library, your job or most anything else -- Please ask any of the supervisors. There are no dumb questions. Look at it this way, you won't have an answer until you ask us. We'll do our best to answer your questions and/or find someone who can help.