Thursday, October 30, 2008

Moved Print Release Station & What This Means For You

Earlier this week, one of our two print release stations was moved next to BUSP's large computer cluster. In the past, the printers were maintained by our reference department, but because the circulation desk is now closest to the moved printer, patrons will most likely be coming to you for help when they need it. If the printer needs paper, please refill it for the patron using the paper stacked on the shelves along the east wall of the reserve room. It is important that we do not use the paper kept under the circulation desk to refill the printer. If a patron reports that the printer is jammed or not working properly, please call the reference desk (5-1958) and report the patron's need to the desk attendant there.

The printer move was in response to a patron's suggestion written on our new white board across from the circulation desk. Another suggestion written there was that BUSP needs more cute puppies. It has been suggested to Terry that we honor that patron's request and teach the puppies to put paper in the printers. Hmmm...something to think about?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Customer Service Mantras

Pick one and repeat it over and over to yourself during your shift today:

*I will smile and greet everyone I come in contact with.

*I will ask everyone approaching the desk if I can help them.

*I will give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

*I will try to go the extra mile with the patron as often as I can.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Where in the world...

...can you find the reserve that patron just requested? Try following this simple rule of thumb:

If the call number begins with a course number (ex: V502, X201, A202), you'll find it along the row of shelves facing Matt's office space. All reserves beginning with course numbers are property of a professor. They may be books, readings in folders, discs, videos, etc.

If the call number sounds like a Library of Congress call number (ex: HF5504.3 .C44 2001 or BF30 .G63 2005), you'll find it on the opposite side of the shelves or on the next set of shelves. These reserves belong to the I.U. Libraries, and they too may be books, videos, CDs, etc. Books belonging to the libraries are filed separately from videos, CDs, etc. belonging to the library.

Does this still seem as clear as mud, and you still aren't sure where to shelve the reserve item the patron just returned? If so, you know what to do, right? That's it exactly...Check with your supervisor.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Circulation Do's & Don'ts

Don't change the homepage on the circulation workstations.
Do record all interactions with patrons on the reference portal.
Don't save anything to the circulation workstation desktops.
Do continue your friendly and helpful attitude toward our patrons.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What to do when...

What do you do when a parent calls and asks about a student's fines? Let them know that by law this information can only be disclosed to the person who generated the fine. Suggest they ask their son or daughter to contact us.

What do you do when a patron asks about fines? Do not give them any information. Refer them to Jeri or Terry. If neither Jeri or Terry is here, the patron may e-mail his/her question to