Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Where in the world...

...can you find the reserve that patron just requested? Try following this simple rule of thumb:

If the call number begins with a course number (ex: V502, X201, A202), you'll find it along the row of shelves facing Matt's office space. All reserves beginning with course numbers are property of a professor. They may be books, readings in folders, discs, videos, etc.

If the call number sounds like a Library of Congress call number (ex: HF5504.3 .C44 2001 or BF30 .G63 2005), you'll find it on the opposite side of the shelves or on the next set of shelves. These reserves belong to the I.U. Libraries, and they too may be books, videos, CDs, etc. Books belonging to the libraries are filed separately from videos, CDs, etc. belonging to the library.

Does this still seem as clear as mud, and you still aren't sure where to shelve the reserve item the patron just returned? If so, you know what to do, right? That's it exactly...Check with your supervisor.

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