Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A bit of advice...

You know that your job duties include shelving and shelf reading, right? If you're unsure what one or both of these things are, or if you're not sure how to do shelving or shelf reading, see your supervisor. When you're ready to head to the stacks to do your work, be sure to let your supervisor know, so he/she can keep an eye on the circulation desk while you're away. Tally sheets are now posted on the staff bulletin board just inside the reserve room. After completing a shelving or shelf reading unit, have your supervisor initial the sheets so you get credit for what you've done.

Now here's the bit of advice: Don't wait until the end of the semester to complete the bulk of your shelving and shelf reading assignments. Be nice to yourself by doing some each week. It'll make your life much easier when finals time comes around. It'll also make it easier for our patrons to find what they want. After all, our #1 priority at BUSP is to serve our patrons, right? These people need us!

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