Welcome back to BUSP! Hope you had a great break. A lot has changed in the short time you've been away! Take a walk around BUSP and you'll see what I mean. We now have a computer lab, and you'll see a scanner next to workstation #35. A third printer has been installed in the lab area. The tables have monitors in place, and walls with electricity have been erected between tables without monitors. For easier access, the current journals have been moved from the reserve area to the end of the book stacks. A new service counter is in place (well, at least most of it), and you'll find shelving units holding all our important stuff under it. On a trial basis, we'll be reserving some group study rooms this semester. Your supervisor will explain to you the policies pertaining to this.
An invisible change is that the timebank policy is back in place for this semester. I'm in the process of setting up a listserve for finding subs, and I'll let you know when it's ready for use. For now, please continue posting your sub notices on the staff bulletin board.
If you have questions about any of the new changes (or anything else, for that matter), please ask your supervisor. You do remember we supervisors get paid to answer your questions, don't you?
Here's hoping you have a great semester! Thanks for all you do.
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