Friday, October 28, 2011

Happenings in November

Daylight Savings Time ends at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 6.

Scheduling for spring semester hours at BUSP will begin on Nov. 14. You'll be reminded of this as the time draws closer.

Thanksgiving break:You are responsible for your shifts until we close at 6:00 on Tuesday, Nov. 22. BUSP will resume its usual hours on Sunday, Nov. 27. Please remember to post sub notices for any shifts you will miss. Anyone subbing on Sunday, the 27th, will receive one hour added to his/her timebank for each hour worked, instead of the usual half hour added for each hour worked. If your time bank is low in hours, this is a good opportunity to beef it up.

I-Core: Be sure to rest up over Thanksgiving as I-Core case groups will be flooding BUSP when we return.

Thanks for all.

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