Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Printer Alternatives

If you've been at the desk for very long, you've no doubt had a guest complain about our printers. Unfortunately, our printers just aren't working for some people. We're working on the problem, and hope it will be resolved soon. In the meantime, you can help out our guests with printer woes, by directing them to other printers in our building:

PV199 - Area right outside the IC
P199 - Glassed area outside the UCSO (sits between UCSO and the SPEA construction)
HH 1st floor - A printer is located in Hodge Hall just past the elevators near the lobby area
HH4055 - Hodge Hall computer lab on the 4th floor

This information is on the second page of the Directional Information section of the red PSA Handbook.

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