Thursday, August 25, 2016

Reference Portal

Are you using the Reference Interaction Reporting Form, commonly known as the Reference Portal? I sure hope so, because the money BUSP receives to pay you is determined by the amount of work we're doing here. Answering questions is work! This makes the Reference Portal your ticket to job security.

A notation should be made on the Portal each time a question is asked that does not result in a check-out. This means that if someone asks for the V450 textbook and you check it out to them, you do not need to record the question in the Portal.Why? Because the interaction you just had with the guest was automatically noted in our statistics when you checked the item out.

All questions that do not result in a checkout should be noted. If five people ask you where the restroom is, you should note the question in the Portal five times. You don't need to be elaborate...just noting "Restroom?" as the question will do. And please don't get all hung up on the categories (directional, tech services/equipment, reference). The most important thing is that the question be logged in the Portal. A question such as, "Where are your printers?" could be logged as a directional question or a tech services/equipment question. Record it either way; just be sure to record it!

Do you have questions about the Portal? Not sure where to find it or how to use it? Let your supervisor know. We'll be glad to show you. We want you to know how to use the Portal because we want to keep you here with us!

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