We're very happy to announce Elizabeth Shepherd as a winner of the Business/SPEA Library Above & Beyond Award for the Fall 2024 semester. As a winner, Elizabeth is the recipient of a Target gift card.
Elizabeth was nominated for this award by Lily Dunn.
Here's what Lily had to say about Elizabeth: "Elizabeth has always been reliable in terms of picking up other
people's shifts as well as showing up to her own despite her busy schedule
being a nursing student. When she works you can see a dedication and
drive that is hard to replicate in a simple job like ours, as well as her
determination to doing her job at the library while also trying to pass
practical exams and figure out how clinicals work. She's a fun person to
work with even if you've never met her, and she makes the library a welcoming place
whenever she's here."
Congratulations Elizabeth!
THANK YOU for going Above & Beyond!!