Out with the old and in with the new! The sub board at BUSP is now a thing of the past. Our listserv is currently functional, and will be your means of finding subs and picking up shifts from now on.
Here’s how it works: When you need a sub, send an e-mail to busp-subs-l@indiana.edu. Your subject line should read: Sub needed for (your name) (date) (time). For example, “Sub needed for John W., March 21, 2-4 pm.” There’s no need to type anything in the actual body of the e-mail, unless there is something special you want everyone to know.
If someone offers to take your shift, be sure to confirm your sub by “replying to all” and indicating in the subject line who is taking it. For example, “Sub needed for John W., March 21, 2-4 pm – Shift taken by Sally T." Either Matt or Terry will record your sub request and the person filling it on the big calendar hanging where sub notices used to be posted.
To cut down on the amount of e-mail generated by the listserv, please only reply to sub requests if you can help fill the shifts.
So why have we done away with the sub board and made this change? The listserv is here by popular demand! A poll of student employees taken last spring indicated almost all of you would prefer finding subs and picking up shifts by use of a listserv over a sub notice board.
Should you experience any problems in using the listserv, please let Terry (treynold@indiana.edu) know.
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