Monday, March 19, 2012

Stepping Stones to Good Customer Service

With the crazy days of I-Core coming up, now is a good time for all of us to think about the ways in which we can give the best possible service to our guests. Here are some steps we can follow:

1) Be guest friendly. This includes paying attention to your body language (55% of your impression), your tone of voice (38%), and also what you say (7%).
2) Greet and acknowledge guests immediately or as soon as you possibly can. People like to be recognized. A smile and a hello are always welcome.
3) Give people the benefit of the doubt.
4) Concentrate on problem-solving, not fault finding. First find the solution rather than spend time on why it happened.
5) Be willing to take the extra step. Rather than just telling a guest how to do something, show them how whenever time allows.
6) Always follow through. Keep your word.
7) Thank people. A simple "thank you" is a powerful message to the guest. (It's a powerful message to your co-workers too!)
8) Handle difficult situations sensitively. Get your supervisor any time a situation becomes difficult.
9) Remember your co-workers and supervisors are internal guests and deserve the same great service you give others at BUSP.

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