Friday, April 22, 2016

Our Graduates: Erin McMenamin

We congratulate Erin, who is graduating this May with her Masters of Public Affairs (MPA) through SPEA.  Erin studied Public Management through SPEA and Near Eastern Studies through the College of Arts & Sciences.  During her junior year, she applied and was accepted into SPEA's accelerated Masters program, which to our delight kept her around BUSP for one extra year.  Erin was one of our original Caught in the Act Award recipients and served as a Senior Circulation Assistant for two years. 

She is originally from Zionsville, but will be moving to Alexandria, VA (a suburb of Washington, DC) after graduation.  She accepted an internship with Representative Susan Brooks from Indiana's Fifth District on Capitol Hill (in DC) this summer.  Erin says that she will miss the smiling faces and community she will be leaving behind at BUSP.  She reports her favorite parts about working here were, firstly, the AWESOME people, then the birthday treats and the likelihood of pizza and other mysterious food that appears in the back.

She gives this advice for students remaining, "Don't be afraid to take an opportunity that scares you, don't settle for what seems to be the safe or right thing to do.  Go on that study abroad program, join that funky/weird club, sign up for that alternative spring break trip, and fit in all the cool life things that you can before you have to be responsible! And most important, don't be afraid to ask for help or ask for something, because you might be surprised with the answer you get."

Erin, we are so fortunate to have crossed paths and worked with you these past four and a half years.  We are better for having known you, and we have no doubt Washington will benefit from your presence there.  Safe travels to you.  May all your roads be smooth!

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