Monday, April 25, 2016

Our Graduates: LaShaila Spivey

We are rightfully proud of Shaila, from Indianapolis, who is graduating with a major in Law & Public Policy and a minor in Financial Management.  She has been an important part of the BUSP staff for three years, serving as a Senior Circulation Assistant this year. 

She greatly appreciates the BUSP staff, and feels she never had a dull moment here.  She especially appreciates how well everyone works together.  ("We all clicked so well!")  She'll miss our staff meetings, but ranks Matt's chocolate chip cookies first on her list of what she'll miss. (Who among us can find fault with her for that?)

Shaila hopes you live every moment to the fullest, and that you will be kind.  She truly believes this combination of actions will allow you to live a happier life.  If you need more incentive, her very wise great aunt, thinks being nice makes you live longer!

She has been accepted into IU's Mauer School of Law, which means we are fortunate enough to get to keep her here in Bloomington a bit longer.  She'll continue as an SCA at BUSP over the summer before devoting herself more fully to her studies that will focus on public interest, sports and entertainment, and antitrust law.

Shaila, we could wish you luck, but you've got intelligence, common sense, stamina, and determination, so you don't really need luck.  Instead, we'll just say congratulations to you and offer our best wishes for a most wonderful future!  

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