Monday, April 25, 2016

Our Graduates: Natalie Moore

Congratulations to Talie, a BUSP senior from Valparaiso, who is graduating with a major in Environmental Management and a minor in Spanish.  Talie has been a valued member of the BUSP staff since her freshman year, and was an early Caught in the Act Award recipient. 

When asked what she will miss after graduation,  Talie replied with what she won't miss...all the construction going on around us!  She has enjoyed working with the staff, and appreciates the quiet Saturday afternoon shifts she has regularly worked at the I.C.  Job hunting is on her list of things to do after graduation. 

As she leaves us, she reminds us that there are a lot of resources on this campus, and "we library folk know how to take advantage of them."  She advises you not to forget that they are there for you.

Ah Talie, there is so much about you that we will miss, including hearing you hum and sing while you work. Congratulations to you on a job so very well done!  May all your post-graduation dreams come true.  You are most deserving.

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