Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Congratulations to Brooke!

Our heartfelt congratulations go to Brooke, who is graduating this semester with a telecommunications major and a music minor. She joined us at the BSIC three and a half years ago and has been a much valued and appreciated member of our staff since her first shift. She reports she has greatly enjoyed her time here because of the wonderful people she has had the opportunity to work with and get to know. (That’s YOU!)

In January, Brooke will be moving to northeast Pennsylvania to work in the digital production team for Highlights for Children magazine. She anticipates missing the city of Bloomington because its rich and diverse culture is hard to find in so many other places.  It goes without saying that she will miss all the friends she’s made here.  She knows she will also miss all the great restaurants.

Brooke is looking forward to being independent and living completely on her own. (No roommates in her immediate future!) She is understandably a little nervous about moving so far from home and not knowing anyone in her new locale, but she’s also excited to explore, meet new people, and pick up some new hobbies.

As she leaves us, she advises us to use the resources available here at IU.  She firmly believes that our connections can be our most valuable asset. She welcomes this opportunity to say “thank you” to all the good people at the BSIC for always making her feel welcome and allowing her to be herself.

Brooke, we want to say thank you to you! We’re so very glad we had the pleasure of working with you and getting to know you. Do be aware that you won’t be totally alone when you arrive in Pennsylvania because our best wishes are traveling there right along beside you. We are so proud of you and your accomplishments and foresee nothing but a bright and beautiful future ahead of you. Shine on!

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