Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Our Guests' Personal Belongings

We're decent people and we want to make our guests happy, right? But sometimes "no" is the answer that serves the greater good, and when that is the case we have to say it.

Yesterday a guest who was returning to campus from the airport wanted to leave his suitcase with us behind the service desk while he went to class. We couldn't honor that request. Nor should we ever accept any personal item any guest wants to give us for safekeeping. We just can't be responsible for their stuff. It's too risky for them and for us. With all our shift changes, it's so easy for personal belongings to get lost. And in the case of the luggage...well, it posed a security risk to everyone in the I.C.

So here is what you do if someone wants to leave their notebook, backpack, business suit, or first-born son with you at the desk:  Say NO.  In a firm but still gentle way, of course. Especially if they want to leave their first-born son.  We don't want to scare the baby.

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