Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Good-by and Best Wishes, Jessica

We are both happy and sad to report that Jessica Huffman has accepted a position with the American Transportation Research Institute in St. Paul, Minnesota, her home town. Her final day will be Thursday, the 17th, and while she is excited to be moving home, she knows she will deeply miss everyone at the BSIC. She reports that it has been a privilege to work with such dedicated, funny, spirited, and professional students and staff, and that she intends to take everything she’s learned with her into the next stage of her career. She is reachable via LinkedIn and is more than happy to connect via email. Ask Terry for contact info.

The Business/SPEA IC has been very fortunate to have Jessica on its staff. It's been our pleasure and privilege to work with her. Jessica, we will miss you like crazy!  Know that our best wishes travel with you to St. Paul.

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