Friday, November 11, 2016

The Line

Thank goodness the lines at our service desk are not this long. I've noticed that we sometimes have lines when we shouldn't. People are sheep, they are often followers.  Here at the I.C. they have a tendency to form a line at our Captain's chair when our First Mate is sitting in plain sight and is also perfectly capable of helping. First Mates, pay attention and please keep an eye out for sheep-people forming a line at our Captain's chair. When they do, let them know that you can help them. That's good customer service (and good shepherding). And it's good teamwork. If you are a First Mate, don't let the Captain shoulder all the weight when a line forms. Get out your staff and help move those sheep along. Your attention and effort will be much appreciated by the bovine wannabes and by your co-worker.

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