Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Room 188 and the Importance of Seeing Green

Room 188 is a bit different than our other group rooms because it is reserved primarily for Kelley & SPEA teaching assistants. Because it is used for this special purpose, we keep the key on the reference desk near the listing sheet for TA reservations. Several times lately, the key to Room 188 has been found in the basket with our other keys. Because of this, once this week it was checked out to a group during the hours of a TA's reservation. 1 student group + 1 TA = more than Room 188 can handle at a time. Luckily we had an open room that we could move the group into so the TA could hold office hours, but this was understandably an inconvenience and a bother to the group.  It was also an embarrassment to us.  (I wasn't there when this happened, but I envision the word "sorry" repeated over and over again.)

When all of our other rooms are full, it is quite alright to check out the key to Room 188 to student groups. Just be sure to do these three things:  1) Check the TA reservation sheet to make sure the checkout won't interfere with TA office hours. 2) Let the group know that there is no workstation or monitor in that room. 3) When the key is returned to the desk, make sure it is placed at the reference desk and not in the key basket.  It's too easy for us to check out the key to another group at a time that interferes with TA hours if we put it in the basket with our other keys.

To make the 188 key more noticeable to us all, I've marked it with green tape and put it on the soft key ring that was previously being used for 160.  When you see green,  that's your reminder to put the key on the reference desk, and not in the basket with the other keys. As long as we're diligent, we won't have to worry about bothering our guests and embarrassing ourselves again.

Have questions or concerns?  Do let me know.  And THANKS for all!

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