If you've read your e-mail lately, you've probably seen a message from Terry regarding your time bank totals. Please know that there are two components to the stack maintenance total she reported to you: shelving and shelf reading. At the end of the semester, your shelving time bank should have a zero or above balance AND your shelf reading bank should also have a zero or above balance. If Terry reported a negative stack maintenance time bank total to you, check with a supervisor. Matt, Diana, John, Jeri, and Terry can let you know whether you're behind in shelf reading, or shelving, or both.
So altogether, there are THREE BALANCES that need to be at zero or above at the end of the semester: attendance, shelf reading, shelving. ONE WAY to remain an employee in good standing and to be eligible for employment next fall is to end the semester with a zero or above balance in each of the three time banks.
Is your confusion all gone now? Great! Still confused, or maybe even more confused? That's O.K., just see your supervisor. We're paid to make sure you understand the requirements of your position, so talk to us. There is no need to be shy about making sure we earn our salaries!
Note: If you have been helping move books in the stacks (shifting), that time counts toward your shelf reading balance.