Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ivona Caught in the Act, Nell too!

Ivona was Caught in the Act of making sure the printers are all ready for our guests' use.  She is diligent about refilling the paper trays during her shifts.  Earlier this week while putting paper in a printer, she noticed it sporting a message indicating the toner level was very low.  Not only did she report that to her supervisor, but she then got a new toner cartridge off the shelf and changed it herself.  With Ivona at work, there is never a need for guests to be interrupted with coming to the service desk because of a printer low on supplies.

Nell was Ivona's partner at the service desk when the cartridge needed changing.  After making sure the desk was covered, she took the initiative to follow Ivona and learn how to change a cartridge so she can do it herself the next time.

Our hats are off to Ivona and Nell for their good work on behalf of our guests.  Thank you!

Reference Portal

You are remembering to record ALL questions that do not result in a check out in the portal, right?  It's important for job security's sake.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

C204 Instruction Sessions

Have a lost student in front of you looking for his/her C204 instruction session?  Here is the schedule for the rest of this week:

1/29  Thursday     
LI (Wells Library) 503
Library Instructor: Matt McGee
1/29 Thursday      
LI (Wells Library) 503
Library Instructor: Matt McGee
1/30  Friday    
LI (Wells Library) 402
Library Instructor: Christina Sheley
1/30  Friday    
LI (Wells Library) 402
Library Instructor: Christina Sheley

Accessing This Blog

This blog's purpose is to keep you up-to-date with the happenings at BUSP without bogging down your e-mail and bothering you when you are out and about.  With the blog, you can read about your workplace while you are on the clock and being paid, rather than on your own time.  That said, should you be away from BUSP for a week or more and want to keep up with what is going on, you can access it easily by Googling "What's Up with BUSP" or typing in its URL,

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Diane Biagioni is one of the Kelley faculty members displaced by the building renovation.  She has been using our space for office hours, and has expressed her gratitude for the kindness and understanding she has received from us during this time of up-rootedness for her and her students.  Her words of thanks came to us in written form, so we are passing the sentiment on to you.  After all, you are the ones she connects with at the desk. 

Be reminded that  Prof. Biagioni isn't the only one who appreciates you. The work you do helps so many who come to us for their research, reserve, and circulation needs. I have no doubt your smiling faces, kind words, enthusiasm, and helpful acts are greatly appreciated.  Keep a tally.  How many times will you hear the words "thank you" while you are working at the desk today?

You have a good day/night knowing the work you do is greatly valued.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Core Values & Next Steps

Thanks to all of you for your input on BUSP's core values at our All-Staff Meeting.  The full-time staff will be using your work and adding our own to it to complete the project.  Once we have the final version put together, I'll have it printed out, we'll all sign it, and then it will be posted in our middle room next to our staff picture directory.

Thanks again!

Thursday, January 22, 2015


Cupcakes will be here next Wednesday in celebration of Christina (Jan. 1) and Clayton (Jan. 2).  Stop by and get your sweets.  Happy birthday to our January births!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Testing 1,2,3...

This is a test.  Please e-mail Terry ( so she knows you read this post.  Thanks!

Open or Closed?

BUSP will be closed next Monday (Jan. 19) for MLK Day.  Please use that day to do good deeds.

Anytime you find yourself in doubt as to whether BUSP is open or closed, you can check our website:  Today's hours will be listed in the left column.  By clicking on "see all" you'll find all the exceptions to our regular hours for the semester.  Checking the website for our hours easily beats guessing and is quicker than waiting for me to answer your e-mail request about hours.  You'll know right away whether or not you need to cover your shift or post a sub notice. And if we are closed, you can get started with your plans right away.

Friday, January 9, 2015

New Year, New Semester Stuff

Happy New Year to You and Welcome Back to BUSP!  (It was lonely here without you.)  Some things you'll need to know as we start the new semester:

*Your first pay of 2015 will appear in your bank account on Jan. 30.  This will be a short check since it only covers the first week of the semester. 

*The mandatory All-Staff Meeting is set for 6:00 on Friday, Jan. 23.  If you are unable to attend, you must clear this with me (Terry) before the meeting.

*Please do your very best to clock in when you get to work.  A recent audit showed that we have a much higher than University average of missed punches, and we have been asked to get that number down.  If the circulation workstations are busy when you need to clock in or out, you are welcome to use the SCA workstation.  When you do need to record a missed punch, be sure to state a reason for it in the note field. 

*One more time now...Welcome back!  We missed you!  We're going to have a wonderful semester; I can feel it in my old bones.