Monday, November 24, 2014

Spring Scheduling

Welcome back!  I hope you had a wonderful break.  Ready or not, we're entering this semester's home stretch, so it's time to think about spring semester scheduling.  Please fill out a scheduling request form, noting your class schedule and other weekly commitments, along with the hours you would most like to work and the hours you would least like to work.  You'll find the forms on our break tables.  Once you've completed your form, either give it to me (Terry) or put it in my mailbox by December 7.  Please understand that I'll do my best to honor your likes and dislikes, but cannot promise you'll get your ideal schedule. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Pre-Thanksgiving Odds & Ends

O&E #1:  Many of us are currently working while in less than optimum health.  If you're feeling sniffly, etc. kindly wipe off your keyboard at the end of your shift to help protect the person working after you.  You'll find disinfectant wipes on the reference desk.  Thanks to all of you for keeping BUSP running smoothly even when you're not feeling your best!

O&E #2:  Here is our cafĂ© schedule for the holiday period:  Nov. 20 (Thurs.): Closes at 4:00, Nov. 21 - Nov. 28: Closed; Reopens with regular hours on Dec. 1.

O&E #3:  Scheduling for spring semester will begin at the end of Thanksgiving break.  Look for scheduling forms on our break tables. 

O&E #4:  I'll be cleaning and defrosting our refrigerator over the break.  If you have something in the fridge you'd like to keep, please take it home until after the break.

O&E#5:  Last, but definitely not least...Thank you for being the wonderful people you are! Your supervisors are so glad you're a part of our lives!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Where Is the Chair?

Jeri's expert eagle eyes noticed right away that one of our chairs was missing from one of our study tables this morning.  It was later discovered in the computer lab across the hall (SPEA 151).  As a PSA, we ask you to hone your own eagle-sharp eyesight and act as a sentinel for all BUSP's belongings.  If you notice someone departing with the I.C.'s property, kindly ask them to stop, then get your supervisor.  In the same vein, if someone comes to the desk and asks to borrow furnishings or any other item that can't be checked out, please get your supervisor.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Time Bank Balances

Not sure of your time bank balance?  Check with Terry.  Remember that in order to remain an employee in good standing and be eligible for employment next semester, you must end this semester with no lower than a zero balance.

Ethan Caught in the Act

Ethan was Caught in the Act today of getting guests into group rooms in a very efficient manner.  As the Captain, he would fill out our part of the group room agreement for the next name on the wait list while the First Mate was checking the room.  As soon as the First Mate returned the key to the desk, the form was ready for the guest to sign.  It made the wait just a few minutes less for each group.  Thank you, Ethan, for your thoughtfulness and your efficiency!  It is much appreciated.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Birthday Celebration on Wed., Nov. 19

BUSP's doors will be closed and we'll all be scattered on the last Wednesdays of November and December.  But we won't let that keep us from celebrating birthdays!  Stop by on Wednesday, Nov. 19, to pick up your cupcake in honor of the following fine people born during the last two months of the year:

Jessica Tarapore (November 28)
Shaila Spivey (December 6)
Thein Aye (December 15)
Elizabeth Pugh (December 17)
Vivianne Dang (December 24)
Ross Neely (December 24)
Sarah Sim (December 29)

New and Improved Caught in the Act

At yesterday's staff meeting for full-time personnel, we decided it would be a good idea for us to loosen the reins a bit on Caught in the Act.  Up until now, only supervisors could catch people providing good customer service.  It has slowly, but surely, dawned on us that since we're not always at the desk, we can miss some really good things.  We're hoping you will help us out by keeping your eyes and ears open and nominating the coworkers you see providing exceptionally good service to our guests.  When you Catch someone in the Act, tell Terry or send her an e-mail (  We want everyone recognized for their outstanding contributions.

Friday, November 7, 2014

How Observant Are You Today?

An improvement has been made to your workspace.  Can you find it?


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Acknowledging Subs

Did someone answer your sub request and agree to work your hours?  Hooray, what a relief!  Please take a few seconds to hit "reply" and say "thanks."  This confirms that your sub is working your hours and eliminates any confusion.  Besides that, we all like to be thanked for doing good deeds, don't we?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Scheduling for Spring Semester

BUSP employees think ahead!  A couple of you have already asked me about scheduling for spring semester.  We'll begin once we all return from Thanksgiving break.  I'm hoping everyone will have class schedules solidified by then.  Sound OK?  If not, let me (Terry) know.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Thanksgiving Holiday

Ah, it will be here before we know it!  You are responsible for all shifts until we close our doors on at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 21.  Your responsibility picks back up when we open at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 30.  If you need a sub, please post at least a week in advance.  Anyone subbing for a co-worker on Sunday, the 30th, will receive one full hour credit for each hour worked, instead of the usual 1/2 hour credit for each hour worked.  If your time bank is low, the 30th would be a good time to sub and give it a nice boost.  The I.C. is open 8:00-5:00 on Monday & Tuesday, November 24 and 25, but you are not responsible for your shifts those days.  Your fearless supervisors will take care of the I.C. in your absence.

May your break be filled with family and friends, good food, and lazy days.  If you are leaving Bloomington, safe travels to you.  Happy Thanksgiving!