Monday, April 28, 2008

Hazardous Area - Hardhats Required?

Here at BUSP we do alot of hard work. We are shifting in our stacks right now, and let me tell you when Jaimie and I work together we need hardhats. In our hands, books sometimes become lethal weapons, a danger to heads, hands, and toes!

Look out below! Books are falling from the top shelves, landing right down on our heads making a hardhat a useful item.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Best wishes, Alyssa

Alyssa Peterson has not scheduled BUSP hours for fall semester, and for good reason. Sometime in September or October she'll be headed to Afghanistan. A sophomore, majoring in History and International Studies, Alyssa's formal education will be on hold for a year while she drives supplies during her National Guard tour of duty. While she won't be studying history, she will be watching it in the making and learning much during her time abroad. Alyssa feels some excitement for what's in store for her and is curious as to what the next year will bring. She looks forward to using her skills and doing the job that she has been trained to do.
Alyssa, while you're gone, please know that our thoughts and our hearts are with you. Take good care of yourself. We look very forward to hearing the many stories you'll have to tell when you return.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Goody bags!

O.K., your bag isn't quite as fancy looking as the one in this picture, but there is a bag of goodies waiting for you on the cart in the reserve room next to Matt's desk. Please accept this token as your supervisors' way of saying THANK YOU for all your hard work this semester. What would BUSP do without you? Find the bag with your name on it and dig in.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Just a reminder...

Please put up sub notices as soon as possible for any shifts you need to miss because of a scheduled final exam.

And may all your exams be easy!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Congratulations, Graduate! (Part III)

Our hats are off to Joe Rodonis, who is receiving his undergraduate degree in Finance from the Kelley School of Business. After donning his cap and gown, Joe will be working as a financial analyst with Cardinal Health, a Fortune 20 company. But this position is just a stepping stone for Joe, who plans to go into commercial banking or start his own business in the next few years. He really looks forward to applying his degree in a real world setting, and he looks forward to making money and finally being rewarded for all his hard work. Most of all, he looks forward to the freedom his degree offers him. With no set-in-stone plan for his life now, he feels ready and able to accept any opportunity he chooses.

Joe leaves his co-workers with these words of wisdom: "Never stress out about an assignment or a test. It's just not worth it. That's one test out of a thousand that you're going to take, and in the grand scheme of things, that test will not affect your life. Just enjoy your time here and never waste an opportunity. Just never have regrets. If there's something you think you'd enjoy doing here at I.U., do it...because you won't have that opportunity once you graduate. And early in your college career, make sure you take school seriously. Any down time you have...get your work done so that you can enjoy yourself when something comes up spur of the moment."

Joe admits that there is much he'll miss about I.U. He'll miss being able to see his closest friends whenever he wants, and he'll miss going to Kilroy's for a beer with good people. Although he plans to train for triathlons, he'll miss cycling with his frat team. He also points out (with a laugh) that he'll miss "the blatant irresponsibility that is college." Joe has had fun at I.U., and he's been here long enough to consider it home. He says it will be hard to leave.

And it will be hard for many of us to say good-by and see him go. Joe has been a valued member of the BUSP staff since his freshman year. Take care, Joe. Be sure to keep in touch. May life bring you the best it has to offer.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Congratulations, Graduate (Part II)

Congratulations are due to Ashley Hayden, who will receive her undergraduate degree in Health Administration from SPEA. After graduation, she plans to find an administrator-in-training position and work while studying for the GRE and LSAT. Knowing graduate school is eventually in her future, she doesn't think she will miss going to class and studying for exams, but she does expect to miss the time she spends at BUSP. (Aw, that's sweet!) Ashley says she finds herself looking very forward to having a grown-up job and making more money. She laughs when she says she also looks forward to becoming a future Indiana senator! But who knows, Hoosiers may some day be very well represented in Washington by Senator Hayden. Best wishes to you, Ashley. And thank you for all you've done for BUSP. Your presence here will be greatly missed.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Common Questions about Scheduling

Can I schedule if I haven't yet registered for classes? Yes, as long as you know what classes you plan to take. Schedule BUSP hours around the hours you hope to be in class. Later on, if your actual class schedule turns out to be in conflict with your work hours, your times at BUSP can be adjusted.

Can I schedule if I have a negative time bank balance? Yes, as long as you plan to be at zero or above by the end of the semester.

If you have other questions regarding scheduling, please let Terry know. Come see her, give her a call (855-8552), or send an e-mail (

Congratulations, Graduate! (Part I)

At the end of this semester, we'll be bidding farewell to Chris Smith, who is receiving his B.A. in Anthropology and French. With his undergraduate degree squared away, he intends to fly west where he'll attend San Francisco State University to begin working on a master's degree in Museum Studies. While he'll miss the friends he's leaving behind at I.U., he's very excited about moving to California. He's also looking very forward to learning more about working in museums and seeing what comes next with his career.

Chris has a bit of advice for those still working on an undergraduate degree. Looking back on it all, he believes that "it's important to study hard, do your homework, and get good grades. But what is even more important is to try new things, have fun and adventure, build great friendships, fall in love, and do all those other things young adults tend to do." He stresses that if we're confident in who we are and what we're capable of, we'll be fine.

We'll miss him, but we know Chris will be fine too. Our best wishes go with him as he ends one chapter in his life and begins the next. CONGRATULATIONS, CHRIS!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Fall Scheduling

SCHEDULING FOR FALL SEMESTER WILL BEGIN NEXT MONDAY, APRIL 14. Contact Terry in person or by phone (855-8552) to sign up for hours. Remember, the sooner you schedule on or after the 14th, the more likely you are to receive your first pick of hours. E-mail requests cannot be honored -- you must see Terry or give her a call to schedule.

Fall Scheduling

Monday, April 7, 2008

So NOW what do you do?

You need to shelve a cart of books, but there are no carts filled and ready for the stacks. How in the world can you keep your shelving bank balance in the black if there is nothing to be shelved? Don't worry; be happy! And check with your supervisor. He/she can give you an alternate task that will count toward your shelving bank total.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Confused about time bank balances?

If you've read your e-mail lately, you've probably seen a message from Terry regarding your time bank totals. Please know that there are two components to the stack maintenance total she reported to you: shelving and shelf reading. At the end of the semester, your shelving time bank should have a zero or above balance AND your shelf reading bank should also have a zero or above balance. If Terry reported a negative stack maintenance time bank total to you, check with a supervisor. Matt, Diana, John, Jeri, and Terry can let you know whether you're behind in shelf reading, or shelving, or both.

So altogether, there are THREE BALANCES that need to be at zero or above at the end of the semester: attendance, shelf reading, shelving. ONE WAY to remain an employee in good standing and to be eligible for employment next fall is to end the semester with a zero or above balance in each of the three time banks.
Is your confusion all gone now? Great! Still confused, or maybe even more confused? That's O.K., just see your supervisor. We're paid to make sure you understand the requirements of your position, so talk to us. There is no need to be shy about making sure we earn our salaries!

Note: If you have been helping move books in the stacks (shifting), that time counts toward your shelf reading balance.