Thursday, August 29, 2013

Important! New Procedure: What to Do with Materials for Reserve

A professor has just handed you a textbook she wants us to put on reserve for her class.  What do you do? 

---You smile (of course). 
---You make sure you note the course number and the professor's name and put that information with the book. 
---Then you put the book on the shelf marked "Reserves" in the bookcase to the left of the Express Yourself whiteboard.  Not sure where this is?  Check with your supervisor.

3 Caught in the Act on Tuesday Evening


Drew and Ross were Caught in the Act of coming to BUSP's rescue last Tuesday evening when staffing was minimal.  Ross, who just happened to be in the IC at the time, was willing to give up his evening's plans to help cover the service desk.  Drew willing took on the task of helping train Ivona, who was here for her very first shift.  And Annie was Caught in the Act of picking up stray newspapers and sprucing up BUSP after a busy (and very messy) second day of classes..

Thank you Drew, Ross, and Annie! 

Memorial Day

BUSP will be closed for Memorial Day on Monday, September 2.  Enjoy your holiday!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

About Clocking In and Out

Whenever you have trouble clocking in or out, send Terry ( an e-mail and let her know the day and hours you worked.  She will add your hours to your timesheet.  It's not unusual for employees (especially new ones) to be unable to clock in at the beginning of the semester. 

Be aware that you may only clock in and out on the two workstations at the service desk and the workstation at the reference desk.  Clocking in or out from any other location is a super giant no-no that will result in you leaving the BUSP work family. That would be very sad, so please don't do it.  Stick to using the BUSP workstations when logging your hours.

The New "29" Rule

Here's the deal concerning this now important number:  You CANNOT work more than 29 hours per week for Indiana University.  If you only work at BUSP, this is not a problem unless you do a tremendous amount of subbing. But if you hold several campus jobs, keep in mind that you cannot work more than 29 hours total between all positions you hold. 

Have questions about this?  See Terry.  She'll be glad to explain it to you in more detail.

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Reference Portal's New Look

Job brings peace of mine.  You can help ensure your job security by faithfully recording each guest's question in the portal.  If you were at BUSP previous to this semester, you will notice that the portal looks different.  Make sure a supervisor introduces you to it.  Important:  After you record your question, click "submit," then click on the arrow box.  Your question will not be recorded unless you click on the arrow box.  And we want all the questions we answer to be recorded.  We need all the questions we answer to be recorded.  Click on the URL below to see a demonstration.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

All-Staff Meeting: 6:00 on Friday, Sept. 6

If you haven't already, make a note of the BUSP All-Staff Meeting on Friday, September 6.  This meeting is mandatory for all BUSP employees.  We'll begin when the IC closes at 6:00 and end by 7:30 at the latest.  While you are here, you will be paid to eat pizza, play a game, and have some fun with some really cool people (your co-workers).  Not a bad way to start your weekend, right?

If another obligation (such as another job) will keep you from this meeting, you must clear this with Terry by noon on Sept. 5, the day prior to the meeting.  I will want to hear your voice, so come see me or give me a call (812-855-8552).