Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Review of Customer Service the BUSP Way

*Be here!  It’s impossible for you to provide good customer service when you’re not here. Work assigned shifts.  When this isn’t possible, make every effort to find a sub.
*Look approachable and draw those guests to you.  Pay attention to your posture and your body language.  (Did you know people form 55% of their impression of you from your body language?  It’s true!)  Smile.  If you see someone standing near the service desk looking a bit lost, make eye contact.  Ask if you can help them.

*Be courteous and professional.  Always speak to the guest in a friendly manner. (People form 38% of their impression from your tone of voice.)  

*Listen, really listen to what the guest has to say.  Give the guest your full attention.  

*Ask questions if you’re not sure what the guest is asking.  Then when you think you understand, rephrase the guest’s question back to him/her to get confirmation. 

*Refer guests needing reference assistance to our reference desk.  If there is no one at the reference desk during regular reference hours, get your supervisor. 

*If the guest’s need is out of the ordinary or goes against BUSP policy, let him/her know you’ll get your supervisor to help.

*Be willing to go the extra mile.  Unless traffic at the desk is very heavy, rather than just tell a guest how to do something, take the time to show them.

*Work as a team with your co-workers.  It’s good customer service, and it’s fun! 

*Handle difficult situations with sensitivity, and keep your cool with upset guests.  Let them know you understand they have a problem, and tell them you’ll get your supervisor to help them.

*Keep your word and follow through.

*Put yourself in the guest’s shoes.  If you were on the other side of our service desk, what would it take to “wow” you?

*People on the phone deserve the same great service as people standing in front of you.

*And lastly…unless it results in a check-out of materials, make sure you record the guest’s request on the portal.   Library administrators look at the portal numbers to determine how much money to give BUSP to hire people like you.  Keep your pay coming by recording questions in the portal!

Call Number Quiz

Put the following Library of Congress call numbers in order:

a)  HF5415.5 .C67 1995
b)  HF5412.5 .S93 1989
c)  BZ63.3 .A54 1997 vol. 2
d)  HF5415.25 .C67 1995
e)  BZ63.3 .A54 1997 vol. 1

Did you say e, c, b, d, a?  Good for you!  If you came up with a different order, you might want to review the LC classification system:  An alternative to clicking this URL would be to ask your supervisor to go over call numbers with you. 

Putting returned books in call number order is part of your job if you're sitting in the 1st mate's chair.  If you continually do it wrong, Terry may pull her hair out.  And you don't want that.  So please check out the URL or ask your supervisor if the call number classification system isn't clear to you.  No doubt about it, call numbers can be tricky.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Reserves 201

"Hi, I need the book for H456."

When you look in the course reserves on the west wall, not only is the book not there, but there isn't even a section on the shelf for H456.  Now what do you do?  Your best move is to look in the Big Red Reserves Binder on the service desk.   Pretty much everything you ever want to know about reserves is in this book.  The pages are filed in course number order.  When you look up H456, you see this call number:  RA413 .E87 2013.  This is a Library of Congress call number, which means this book belongs to either BUSP or another library on campus; it is not a professor's personal copy.  Books belonging to the Libraries are kept in call number order on the shelves next to the wall opposite the course reserves. 

What else can you find on reserve on the shelves opposite the course reserves?  After the library books, you'll find materials belonging to the Center for International Business Education & Research (CIBER).  To the right of those materials, you'll find BUSP's media collection (DVD's, CD's, and yes, some old VHS tapes).  Like the books belonging to the Libraries, the media collection is also filed in Library of Congress call number order.  At the end of this section of shelves in the area that is nearest the service desk, you'll find our hold shelves.  Located under the books on hold, you'll find materials for our language labs (Rosetta Stone) and the new Mac adapters. 

Got a free minute at the desk?  Explore reserves.  It's good to know what's in your immediate environment. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Reserves 101

"Hi, I need the book for L408." 

Chances are, when a guest utters these words, you look in the reserve area against the west wall.  This is a smart move on your part, since the reserves that are used the most often are located here.  All the reserve materials on this wall are listed in order by course number. 

The loan length will be written in large letters on the paper wrapper covering the book.  Fines accumulate quickly for reserve materials, so it's important that we tell guests when their items are due.  (Trust me, we cannot trust our guests to read the large letters on the paper wrappers.  Life would be easier if we could.)  Most reserves are due in two hours, but there are exceptions, so make sure you read the large letters on the paper wrappers, OK?

Almost all reserves found on the west wall are marked "in library use only."  Why?  Because these books do not belong to the Library.  They are all professors' personal copies that have been loaned to us so their students can have access to them.  To keep the books safe and the professors happy, they must be used inside BUSP's boundaries.  Since they can't leave the IC, it stands to reason that they cannot be checked out overnight.

Have questions about reserves?  I know you know what to do, but I'm going to note it here anyway:  See your supervisor.


Bloomberg Certification

Have a guest looking for information on Bloomberg certification?  Refer them to the reference desk.  We've got a handout there that we can give to them. 

If they want to sign up to use the Bloomberg, the sign-up sheets are on the Bloomberg workstation tables.  Guests can sign themselves up for two hour blocks of time. 

Fax Machine

Have a guest looking for a fax machine?  The closest available public fax machine is in the Bookstore in the Union.  Copies & More on 10th St. also has a machine the public can use.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Your Picture

Thank you all for taking time out of your weekend to attend the mass meeting last Friday.  What a wonderful group of people!  BUSP is truly fortunate to have each and every one of you on its staff. Time didn't allow us to achieve one of our goals that evening...taking  your picture!  We still want your smile on record, so please wear it and be prepared to have your photograph taken this week.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Updated BUSP Website!

Got a spare minute at the desk?  Check out the new BUSP website,  The staff put quite a bit of thought into the new look, and we need some feedback.  And who better to provide us with that, than you?  Please take a look and let us know what you think.  Is the site easy to use?  Can you find what you're looking for?  Can you tell where to go for help?  Is it visually appealing? 

Let Terry know what you think.  Any info you can give us will be greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Filling the Printers

Has a guest reported that one of our printers is out of paper?  If you're busy, get Jeri or one of the other supervisors to refill it.  If you're not busy and your partner is at the desk, by all means feel free to grab a couple reams of paper from under the service desk and load it into the printer yourself.  The printers have a tendency to jam if you load them with paper past the top mark, so err a bit on under filling them rather than over filling them...unless you enjoy clearing jams, that is.  Does filling our printers make you a bit nervous?  Give your confidence a boost by letting a supervisor demonstrate it for you.

Monday, January 14, 2013


Inquiring minds want to know:  Do you need to report for your shifts at BUSP next Monday, MLK Day?  And the answer is:  No, BUSP will be closed that day. If you have the time and the inclination, do a little community service that day.  Whatever you choose to do on the 21st, enjoy yourself!

One more thing...

One more thing about our mass meeting on Friday:  We'll be taking staff photos at that time.  Bring your best smile, OK?  We'll try not to get you when your mouth is full of pizza.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Stuff

While you were gone, two new things have appeared that may make our guests happier than usual: 

1) We have made bookmarks of information about available group rooms in other locations.  These are at the captain's workstation and can be passed out to our users when all our group rooms are full.  It's another alternative for them in addition to our wait list.

2)  We now have adapters for guests who want to connect their Macs to our group tables.  They are in a box in the reserve area underneath our hold shelf.  Ask a supervisor if you have trouble locating them or need help with this.  They can be checked out for four hours.

Meeting Reminder

Your presence is required at our mass meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 18. What an opportunity! How often are you required to have fun with colleagues, eat pizza, and get paid for doing so? E-mail Terry when you have read this.