Monday, December 15, 2014

Shaila and Talie Caught in the Act

Ever worked a shift at BUSP by yourself?  It's no picnic.  This past weekend, Talie worked four hours alone and Shaila worked six hours alone.  They were both very much on top of it and provided great service with much patience.  It's not easy maintaining the quality of service our guests deserve when you are working alone, but Talie and Shaila not only did that, they did it with smiles on their faces!

Thank you Shaila and Talie for maintaining the IC's reputable service and character while working all alone.  You are much appreciated!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Congratulations, Ross!

Ross is graduating this semester!  A Policy Analysis major from Dupont, IN, Ross has been a much valued part of our staff since his arrival in Fall, 2011. He was one of our very first Caught in the Act award winners. If you ask him his favorite thing about working at BUSP these past few years, he will quickly tell that that would be the friendships he has developed with co-workers. As he leaves, Ross advises you to make good use of the resources around you.  He reminds you that the I.C. has more to offer than just books and group rooms.

After his graduation, Ross will continue his association with the Center on Congress at I.U. We're mighty glad about that because it means, for at least the time being, he'll be working near us.  We're very much hoping he will make visits to BUSP so we don't miss him too much.  As for long term future plans, Ross intends to work in politics.  With his drive, good sense, and amiability, it won't surprise us at all to see him go far.  The future could very easily find us saying, "I knew Senator Neely when he was a student working at the Business/SPEA Information Commons."

Congratulations Ross, on a job so very well done.  We're so glad our paths have crossed with yours.  May Life bring you the very best it has to offer. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Tyler Caught in the Act

Tyler has been Caught in the Act!  Because of a staffing snafu this semester, he has worked parts of many shifts alone during a very busy time of the day.  While this would fluster a great many of us, Tyler has been observed always keeping his cool and delivering top-notch service to our guests.  He is a veritable juggling, multi-tasking genius. Way to go, Tyler! 

End of Semester Info

Only three weeks until the end of the semester and that includes finals week! 

--If you will not be returning to BUSP next semester (internship, graduation, etc.), please let Terry know right away. 

--I-Core is upon us!  Get your rest and be prepared for the craziness.  If you are going through I-Core this semester, we're rooting for you!

--Can't find the red room reservation notebook?  That's because we won't be taking any reservations until next semester.  Why?  Because reservations leave gaps when the rooms aren't in use.  With I-Core and final projects coming up, we want the rooms available for as many people as possible.  Rooms 154, 156, 158, and 160 are now available on a first-come, first served basis just the same as our other group rooms.  When our rooms are full and the wait list is long, please remind students that group space is also available in the newly remodeled areas of the Wells Library.

--Mark your calendars now:  Next semester's mandatory mass meeting has been set for Friday, January 23.  We'll gather together at 6:00 p.m. that day.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Spring Scheduling

Welcome back!  I hope you had a wonderful break.  Ready or not, we're entering this semester's home stretch, so it's time to think about spring semester scheduling.  Please fill out a scheduling request form, noting your class schedule and other weekly commitments, along with the hours you would most like to work and the hours you would least like to work.  You'll find the forms on our break tables.  Once you've completed your form, either give it to me (Terry) or put it in my mailbox by December 7.  Please understand that I'll do my best to honor your likes and dislikes, but cannot promise you'll get your ideal schedule. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Pre-Thanksgiving Odds & Ends

O&E #1:  Many of us are currently working while in less than optimum health.  If you're feeling sniffly, etc. kindly wipe off your keyboard at the end of your shift to help protect the person working after you.  You'll find disinfectant wipes on the reference desk.  Thanks to all of you for keeping BUSP running smoothly even when you're not feeling your best!

O&E #2:  Here is our cafĂ© schedule for the holiday period:  Nov. 20 (Thurs.): Closes at 4:00, Nov. 21 - Nov. 28: Closed; Reopens with regular hours on Dec. 1.

O&E #3:  Scheduling for spring semester will begin at the end of Thanksgiving break.  Look for scheduling forms on our break tables. 

O&E #4:  I'll be cleaning and defrosting our refrigerator over the break.  If you have something in the fridge you'd like to keep, please take it home until after the break.

O&E#5:  Last, but definitely not least...Thank you for being the wonderful people you are! Your supervisors are so glad you're a part of our lives!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Where Is the Chair?

Jeri's expert eagle eyes noticed right away that one of our chairs was missing from one of our study tables this morning.  It was later discovered in the computer lab across the hall (SPEA 151).  As a PSA, we ask you to hone your own eagle-sharp eyesight and act as a sentinel for all BUSP's belongings.  If you notice someone departing with the I.C.'s property, kindly ask them to stop, then get your supervisor.  In the same vein, if someone comes to the desk and asks to borrow furnishings or any other item that can't be checked out, please get your supervisor.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Time Bank Balances

Not sure of your time bank balance?  Check with Terry.  Remember that in order to remain an employee in good standing and be eligible for employment next semester, you must end this semester with no lower than a zero balance.

Ethan Caught in the Act

Ethan was Caught in the Act today of getting guests into group rooms in a very efficient manner.  As the Captain, he would fill out our part of the group room agreement for the next name on the wait list while the First Mate was checking the room.  As soon as the First Mate returned the key to the desk, the form was ready for the guest to sign.  It made the wait just a few minutes less for each group.  Thank you, Ethan, for your thoughtfulness and your efficiency!  It is much appreciated.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Birthday Celebration on Wed., Nov. 19

BUSP's doors will be closed and we'll all be scattered on the last Wednesdays of November and December.  But we won't let that keep us from celebrating birthdays!  Stop by on Wednesday, Nov. 19, to pick up your cupcake in honor of the following fine people born during the last two months of the year:

Jessica Tarapore (November 28)
Shaila Spivey (December 6)
Thein Aye (December 15)
Elizabeth Pugh (December 17)
Vivianne Dang (December 24)
Ross Neely (December 24)
Sarah Sim (December 29)

New and Improved Caught in the Act

At yesterday's staff meeting for full-time personnel, we decided it would be a good idea for us to loosen the reins a bit on Caught in the Act.  Up until now, only supervisors could catch people providing good customer service.  It has slowly, but surely, dawned on us that since we're not always at the desk, we can miss some really good things.  We're hoping you will help us out by keeping your eyes and ears open and nominating the coworkers you see providing exceptionally good service to our guests.  When you Catch someone in the Act, tell Terry or send her an e-mail (  We want everyone recognized for their outstanding contributions.

Friday, November 7, 2014

How Observant Are You Today?

An improvement has been made to your workspace.  Can you find it?


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Acknowledging Subs

Did someone answer your sub request and agree to work your hours?  Hooray, what a relief!  Please take a few seconds to hit "reply" and say "thanks."  This confirms that your sub is working your hours and eliminates any confusion.  Besides that, we all like to be thanked for doing good deeds, don't we?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Scheduling for Spring Semester

BUSP employees think ahead!  A couple of you have already asked me about scheduling for spring semester.  We'll begin once we all return from Thanksgiving break.  I'm hoping everyone will have class schedules solidified by then.  Sound OK?  If not, let me (Terry) know.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Thanksgiving Holiday

Ah, it will be here before we know it!  You are responsible for all shifts until we close our doors on at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 21.  Your responsibility picks back up when we open at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 30.  If you need a sub, please post at least a week in advance.  Anyone subbing for a co-worker on Sunday, the 30th, will receive one full hour credit for each hour worked, instead of the usual 1/2 hour credit for each hour worked.  If your time bank is low, the 30th would be a good time to sub and give it a nice boost.  The I.C. is open 8:00-5:00 on Monday & Tuesday, November 24 and 25, but you are not responsible for your shifts those days.  Your fearless supervisors will take care of the I.C. in your absence.

May your break be filled with family and friends, good food, and lazy days.  If you are leaving Bloomington, safe travels to you.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 31, 2014


We have a new suggestion box positioned on the stapler table.  We're hoping our guests will use it to leave us comments.  When you refill the supplies at the table, please make sure there is paper available in the slot on the box.  Also, please make sure no one has walked off with the pen.  If the pen is gone, let Terry know.

While we're talking about suggestions...THANKS to all of you who have filled out the supervisor evaluation.  Your responses mean a lot.  If you haven't completed the survey yet, there is still time:

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Red Tub or Gray Tub?

There is a place for everything, right?  There seems to be some confusion as to where to put returned books that belong to libraries other than BUSP.  If you are checking in a returned book and it belongs to the Auxiliary Library Facility (ALF), it goes in the gray tub.  ONLY books belonging to the ALF go in the gray tub.  If a book belongs to a library other than the ALF, it goes in the red tub. 

Gray = ALF
Red = other libraries.

Got questions about this?  By all means, let us know. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Supervisor Survey

Your supervisors are curious, and we value your feedback.  We want to know how we're doing in our role of supervisor.    Please take a few minutes to complete this survey:   Your answers will be anonymous, of course, so tell us the truth.  Please!

And thanks so much for your feedback. We appreciate your input.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Identify Yourself!

The IU Libraries have provided us with a way to identify ourselves as library employees while we're working.  You'll find lanyards with library assistant tags attached to them in the purple basket next to the 1st mate's printer.  Please put a lanyard around your neck when you begin your shift, and return it to the basket when you clock out.  You'll look snazzy while you're working, and guests will have no trouble identifying you as someone who can help them.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Paper Cutter

Have a guest at the desk who needs a paper cutter?  We keep our paper cutter on the tall table between the staff entrance door and our break room "kitchen counter."  Feel free to bring it out of the back room and place it on the service desk for a guest to use.  Kindly return it to its place in the back room when the guest is finished. 

A Reminder...

Are you listing every question that doesn't result in a checkout on the Portal each and every time one is asked?  Please do!  We bug you about this because it's very important to you and your job security.  And anything that is important to you and your job security is also important to your supervisors.

If you have questions about the Portal, let us hear from you.

Celebration Time!

Next Wednesday (Oct. 27) we'll be celebrating three important people.  Happy birthday to:

Suzy - Oct. 3
Tall Matt - Oct. 5
Kayla - Oct. 6

Everyone on the BUSP staff is invited to stop by anytime on Wednesday to get a celebratory cupcake. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

AM or PM?

When posting sub notices for morning and evening shifts, please add AM or PM to your sub request.  If you simply post a sub request for 9:00-11:00 (for example), your co-workers do not know if that is a morning shift or a night shift.  Night owls may not want to pick up a morning request, and those of us bursting with energy in the morning (yes, some of us are like that) will not want to pick up the evening request.  Adding AM or PM to your sub notice lets your co-workers know exactly what they're volunteering for and ensures that they will be here at the right time to cover your shift. We need to make it easy on each other, right? 

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Your supervisors are very much aware of how lovable and caring you are, so it doesn't surprise us one bit that some of your friends stop by the desk to chat with you while you're working.  While it's perfectly fine for friends to say hi and talk for a minute or two, it is not OK for them to stick around and carry on long conversations across the service desk.  Why?  It intimidates some of our guests, and our guests are our first priority. We don't want anything to make them hesitate to come to the desk for our help. So how do you politely tell friends they can't hang around while you work?  Let them know your supervisors won't allow it.  It's OK to make us out to be the bad guys.  We're tough...we can take it. 

When Our Group Rooms Are Full...

Collaborative study space (group rooms) are now open in the newly remodeled West Tower of the Wells Library.  As of this writing, none of the rooms have technology installed yet, but if someone only needs a meeting space and our rooms are all in use, by all means, let them know group space is also available across the street.

Monday, October 13, 2014

One More Thing about Subbing...

You should know that it does your supervisors' hearts good to see how willing so many of you are to sub for others.  If you've helped out a co-worker (and our guests) by taking an additional shift, THANK YOU!  Your effort does not go unnoticed. 

By the way, Shaila currently holds the crown for subbing.  She has filled in for others (you, perhaps?) over ten times so far this semester.

Two Things about Finding a Sub...or Not

Thing #1: Please, please, please post your message to the listserv at least a day in advance if at all possible.  This is to your benefit since last minute sub requests can go unfilled.  It also keeps you from working future shifts with bald and bleeding supervisors who may resort to pulling out their hair and biting off their fingernails when we're missing people at the desk.

Thing #2: If you post a sub notice, no one takes you up on your offer, and you decide to cover the shift yourself, make sure Terry knows you worked so she doesn't deduct hours from your time bank.  You can tell her in person that you worked the shift, or you can send her an e-mail (, or you can reply to the listserv that you'll be working the shift after all.

Does all this make sense?  If not, do let your voice be heard. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Anastasia Caught in the Act

Anastasia was Caught in the Act of passing on a guest's concerns about I.C. policy to her supervisors.  Thank you, Anastasia, for taking the time to keep your supervisors in the know about a guest's experience at BUSP.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Jelena Caught in the Act

Jelena was Caught in the Act of looking out for a guest's best interests.  While checking in a returned book, she noticed paperwork tucked inside it.  She made her best effort to ensure the guest knew his papers were safe here in our lost & found. 

In the same afternoon, she took precautions to shield our guests away from an area of the I.C. that needed custodial attention. 

Thanks, Jelena!  Your thoughtfulness toward our guests is greatly appreciated.

Shaila Caught in the Act

Shaila was Caught in the Act of being very conscientious when it comes to our guests and room reservations.  Out of her concern that reservations be recorded correctly so rooms are ready at the appropriate times, she contributed to the recent blog post regarding our reservation process. 

Thank you, Shaila!  Your thoughtfulness benefits both our guests and our staff and is much appreciated.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Making Room Reservations

Making your first few room reservations can be a bit scary.  Making your 20th room reservation is so simple you might feel you could do it in your sleep.  Whether you're new at making room reservations or an old pro at it, close attention must be paid to the process.  Our guests expect us to have a room ready for them at their reservation time.  If we do not because the reservation was written down incorrectly, you can bet they are going to be pretty upset with us.  And rightfully so, our guests deserve better service than that!

Here are the steps to successfully making a room reservation:

1) Ask for the guest's I.D. 

2) Find the appropriate page in the red notebook for the day of the requested reservation.  If the time the guest has requested is available in one of the four reservable rooms, draw a box around the two hour period with a pencil.  The box defines the reservation and makes it easier for all your co-workers and supervisors to understand. The pencil (rather than pen) allows us to erase the information later if the guest changes or cancels the appointment.

3) Inside the box record these four things:  1) the guest's name, 2) the guest's barcode number, 3) the hours of the reservation, and 4) your initials

4) Hand the I.D. back to the guest and let him/her know there is now a reservation for room (154, 156, 158, or 160) in their name for the date and time requested.

Your finished work should look like this:

Note that a box for a two hour reservation encompasses four lines on the page. 

Have questions or need help making a reservation?  By all means, get your supervisor.

Fall Break

Fall Break is nearly upon us.  (Have you been counting down the days?)  BUSP's deviation from its normal schedule during the break period is as follows:

October 9 (Thursday)  I.C. closes at 5:00 p.m.
October 10 & 11 (Friday & Saturday)  I.C. closed
October 12 (Sunday)  I.C. reopens at 5:00 p.m.

You are responsible for your shifts anytime the I.C. is open during this break period.  As always, if you need to miss a shift, post a sub notice on the listserv.  Anyone subbing on Sunday (Oct. 12) will receive one full hour of credit for each hour subbed instead of the usual 1/2 hour credit.

Thanks for all.  And by all means, enjoy every minute of your break!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Room Reservation Policies

With the UCSO using so many of our group rooms, more and more guests will want to make reservations for reservable rooms 154, 156, 158, and 160.  Here is a review of our reservation policies:

*Reservations can be made for groups of two or more for one 2-hour time block per day, no more than 7 days in advance. 

*Reservations must be made in person.

*Only the person who made the reservation can check out the key.  (Other members of the group cannot.)

*If the person with the reservation is more than ten minutes late, the reservation is forfeited.

Always, always, always check the red notebook before checking out rooms 154, 156, 158, and 160.

Always, always, always check the red notebook before renewing rooms 154, 156, 158, and 160.

Have questions about room reservations?  Ask your supervisor.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Zoe Caught in the Act

Zoe was Caught in the Act of asking questions and scoping out the best way to provide good service to our guests now that so many of our group rooms are being used by the UCSO. 

Thank you, Zoe, for your care and concern!

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Importance of the Number 29

Twenty-nine is an important number for student employees on the IU campus.  Per IU policy, you may not work more than 29 hours per week. As you sub for other employees (thank you, thank you), be sure your total hours worked in one week's period does not exceed 29. 

Pictorial Staff Directory

The new pictorial staff directory is here.  Take a look at it and see how many faces you know.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Additional Group Room Space During Evening & Weekend Hours

Are you being stared at by a distraught guest because our rooms are all full and the wait list is long?  Depending on the time of day, space may be available for the suffering guest's group to meet in the new Scholars Commons area of the Wells Library.  Note that these spaces can only be used by undergraduates during the times listed below.  Graduate students can reserve the rooms or use them anytime on a first-come/first-served basis.  Here's the scoop:

Room accommodations:
  • Four consultation rooms have capacity for 8 people, conference table, and collaborative technology.
  • Three consultation rooms have capacity for 4 people, casual seating, and a tablet service table.
  • One consultation room has capacity for 5 people, conference table, and collaborative technology.
  • The rooms are available on a first come, first served basis and reservations are not required or permitted during the following times:
    • Sunday-Thursday after 8pm
    • Friday after 5pm
    • All day Saturday

For more complete information, click here

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

All Right, Cupcakes for Everyone!

At BUSP, we observe birthdays with cupcakes on the last Wednesday of each month.  Next Wednesday (24th) we'll be eating cupcakes in celebration of those of us with birthdays in the months of August and September.  Happy birthday to Tyler (Aug. 27), Terry (Sept. 1), and Nell (Sept. 26)!

Stop by and get your cupcake anytime that day.  Mmmm, good!

Monday, September 15, 2014

New Cafe in the Building

Feeling a bit hungry?  Check out the new Kelley School RPS cafĂ©.  You'll find it down the hallway headed north from classroom HH 111.  Because the cafĂ© isn't in full swing yet, you must currently have cash or campus access/meal points to pay for your purchases.  You'll be able to use your credit/debit card there later on.  Also, eventually the cafĂ© will have seating; booths are due to arrive sometime in November.





Room Reservation Know How

In fairness to all, only ONE reservation per group can be made each day.  A group cannot reserve multiple rooms on the same day.  If you have a professor, teaching assistant, organization, club representative, or anyone else who wants an exception to this policy, please refer them to Jeri.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Releasing Print Jobs

Over the summer, UITS made a good change involving printing. Here's from the Knowledge Base:

At Indiana University Bloomington, IU Print allows you print to "global" black-and-white and color print queues from your personal laptop or desktop computer, and from workstations in the Wells Library Learning Commons, STCs, and RTCs Once your print job is added to one of the print queues, you can go to any of several on-campus locations equipped a printer, log into a print release station, "release" your print job from the queue, and collect your output from the printer.

This means guests working in the BSIC can now release their print jobs, not only at one of our print release stations, but from any print release station on campus.  Conversely, guests can release their print jobs here when they have been working on the Macs just outside the BSIC or anywhere else on campus.

Printing is easier this year!

Monday, September 8, 2014

BSIC Jeopardy Leftovers

Thanks to everyone who attended last week's All-Staff meeting.  We hope you enjoyed yourselves and hopefully learned a thing or two that will help you when you're behind the desk at the BSIC.

Here are the questions that weren't chosen during our Jeopardy game.  Can you answer them?

Personnel Policies & Procedures
*Explain the significance of the number "29" to your work week.
*Name the subject matter of three "What's Up with BUSP" posts since the semester began.

Group Rooms
*Under what circumstances can a group room not be renewed?
*You're checking a group room after the key has been returned to the desk.  Name five things you will check when you get to the room.

*A patron has asked for a reserve.  You checked the shelf under the course number, but the book is not there. Does this mean: a) The book is checked out. b)The book is not on reserve. c) It's time to check IUCAT to be sure of the book's location.
*If a reserve has the call number HV91 .S649 2013, what color is the reserve sleeve?

*Which of these two books would come first on the shelf:  HC142 .B3 2010 or HC142 .B125 2010  Why?

Odds & Ends
*Name five duties of the 1st Mate.
*A guest hands you an I-phone that he found on the floor.  What do you do with it?
*An instructor hands you a stack of books she wants put on reserve for her class.  What two pieces of information do you need to get from her?

Tie Breaker Question:  How many stalactites are growing inside the BSIC?

Not sure of the answer of some of these?  Talk them over with your desk partner.  Still not sure?  Check with your supervisor.  And have fun doing it, OK?

Timekeeping Reminder

Please do your best to clock in when you arrive.  When you do need to record a missed punch, be sure to also record a note telling why.  Your reason can be as simple as "I forgot."

If you need help with missed punches, just let  your supervisor know.

THANKS for all you do!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Tyler Caught in the Act

Tyler was Caught in the Act of going the extra mile to help our guests yesterday.  He went out into the stacks and searched for a book that a patron couldn't find.  He also gave very good advice to a guest who needed to make a copy by filling her in on the benefits of using our scanner.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

All Staff Meeting

This is just a last reminder that our All-Staff Meeting will take place this Friday, Sept. 5.  We'll be gathering here at the IC at 6:00.  This is a required meeting for which you will be paid. Bring your appetite, since we'll be ending this meeting with pizza. If you cannot attend, you must notify me (Terry, 

When to Smile

Good times to smile:

*Anytime you see a co-worker or greet a guest at the desk

*Next week when I take your picture for our staff directory --  If you are new to the BSIC, I'll be taking your picture next week for our staff directory.  You can see last year's directory hanging above the staff mailboxes near our break area.  If you are returning to the BSIC this year and want a new picture taken, let me ( know.  Otherwise, I will use last year's picture for you.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Using the Reference Portal

Every question you are asked at the desk that doesn't result in a check-out should be recorded in the Reference Portal.  Somebody wants to know where the restroom is?  Record it in the portal.  Someone can't find room 167?  Record it in the portal.  Another person can't find room 167?  Record it in the portal again. 

Library administrators look at our portal statistics (along with other statistics) to determine how much money we should be given to pay people in your position.  Each time you record a question in the portal, you are providing your own job security. 

Not sure how to record something in the Portal?  Not sure what the Portal is or where to find it?  Check with your supervisor.  He/she will be glad to show you the way.

Talie Caught in the Act

Talie was Caught in the Act of helping train her new co-worker.  Talk about teamwork!  Thank you Talie, for stepping in and helping out during a busy and hectic time of the semester. 

For those of you new to the Business/SPEA I.C., "Caught in the Act" is our way of recognizing employees for exceptional work.  At the end of each semester, one person caught in the act will receive a monetary award.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

BUSP Closed Labor Day

Just a reminder that BUSP will be closed next Monday (Sept. 1) for Labor Day.  Enjoy the holiday!

When do you get paid?

Wondering when you'll receive your first pay for this semester?  Student employees are paid every other Friday, always a pay period behind. I've placed a stack of little green cards on our break tables that list all the pay periods and pay dates.  Pick up a card and stick it in your billfold, so you'll never again need wonder when your money will appear in your bank account.

Friday, August 22, 2014

New Senior Circulation Assistant

We are happy to announce that Erin will be serving as a Senior Circulation Assistant this year.  She will join with Kayla and Matt F. in overseeing the I.C.'s operations during late evening and weekend hours. 

How to Look Up a Reserve

Got someone at the desk asking for a reserve that you can't find on our shelves?  What's worse, you can't find the big fat red notebook that lists all the reserves?  There's a reason you can't find that notebook:  It's gone because we no longer need it!  Now you can look up reserves on-line through IUCAT.  Matt kindly put together a short video that will show you exactly how to do that.  Watch this:

By looking on-line, you'll be able to tell if we have the reserve the guest is asking for, and you'll also be able to tell if it is checked out. 

Need some help with this?  Ask your supervisor.  He/she will be glad to give you a hand.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

All-Staff Meeting

We'll be gathering for our fall semester All-Staff Meeting at 6:00 on Friday, September 5.  This is a mandatory meeting.  If you cannot attend, you must clear your absence by coming to see me (Terry) or by giving me a call (812-855-8552).  At this meeting, we'll be giving you information you need in order to feel comfortable performing your duties at BUSP.  We'll also feed you pizza, introduce you to your co-workers, and do our best to make sure you have some fun.  You should be free to go no later than 7:30.  See you there!

Location, Location, Location

If you or our guests need help finding something in Kelley or SPEA, please consult the Red Notebook.  Jeri has put together a Where can I find... page that will help you and our guests locate what is needed.  Getting from here to almost anywhere in Kelley is tricky right now.  To help with that, Jeri has put together a Where is... guide that gives step-by-step directions to different classrooms and services in our buildings.  So where can you find the Red Notebook with all this juicy information?  It's located on the shelf under the telephone near the reserve collection.  You can also find the same information in the Green Notebook by the reference desk.

Jeri also snagged us some maps of the campus which are on the service desk.  Feel free to give one to anyone who looks ready to cry when you try to tell them how to get to Ballantine, Kirkwood Hall, etc.

If you need help directing a guest to the place of their choice, by all means ask your supervisor to give you a hand. We're here to help you.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Here's a Sneak Peek

Have you been wondering what the new Hodge Hall will look like inside?  The building is finished enough that we can get a sense of it. Take a sneak peek by clicking here

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Your Feedback, Please!

Got a spare minute at the desk?  Want to do something to take your mind off the construction racket coming from the ceiling?  Good, because we could use your input! Take a look at our new website.  Compare it to our present one.  What do you like/dislike about the new one?  After you've made some judgments, let your opinion be known by passing your comments on to a supervisor.

The new website is currently available for use, as is the old website.  Beginning July 7, only the new site can be accessed.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May Birthday Celebration

Next Wednesday (May 28th) we'll be celebrating Nora (May 9) and Melanie (May 16).  Come get your cupcake!