Making your first few room reservations can be a bit scary. Making your 20th room reservation is so simple you might feel you could do it in your sleep. Whether you're new at making room reservations or an old pro at it, close attention must be paid to the process. Our guests expect us to have a room ready for them at their reservation time. If we do not because the reservation was written down incorrectly, you can bet they are going to be pretty upset with us. And rightfully so, our guests deserve better service than that!
Here are the steps to successfully making a room reservation:
1) Ask for the guest's I.D.
2) Find the appropriate page in the red notebook for the day of the requested reservation. If the time the guest has requested is available in one of the four reservable rooms, draw a box around the two hour period
with a pencil. The box defines the reservation and makes it easier for all your co-workers and supervisors to understand. The pencil (rather than pen) allows us to erase the information later if the guest changes or cancels the appointment.
3) Inside the box record these four things: 1) the guest's name, 2) the guest's barcode number, 3) the hours of the reservation, and 4) your initials
4) Hand the I.D. back to the guest and let him/her know there is now a reservation for room (154, 156, 158, or 160) in their name for the date and time requested.
Your finished work should look like this:
Note that a box for a two hour reservation encompasses four lines on the page.
Have questions or need help making a reservation? By all means, get your supervisor.